Newsletter - June 2012


June has brought cold winds and icy nights, plus some rain.  The leaves blowing from the trees rained onto the roads in colourful streams.  Really quite something to watch and has certainly made driving around more attractive than usual!

Willy is already proving his worth with sales coming in as a result of his efforts.  We should see the financial year end on 30 June as one of our best for many years.  This makes it very exciting as the new government tenders for infrastructure should be issued at month end.  We now have 14 days to the end of the Autodesk specials which offer between 20 and 30% discounts on upgrades and the Design Suite range.

Tracking your company's IT assets

Kaseya are in South Africa and their system is able to give your company security around all your IT assets by tracking them.  This means that the laptops that your employees take home or on site with them can be tracked and maintained remotely.  To learn more about the system and to set up a meeting, please contact Judith 011 802 2685 and she will set up a meeting with the representative for you.

Green Tip

The river clean-ups are making an impact - Ernest Ullmann Park to South Road looks completely different with over 200 bags of rubbish cleared.  Sid is organising another clean-up this Saturday, 29 June starting at 08:30.  You can also take your sorted recyclables to the park and place them in the collection bins.  This is helping fund the clean-up!

AutoCAD 2013 and Design Suites on Special - ends 13 July 2012

Upgrade mania is driving licensing opportunities for AutoCAD users to become current and the range of design suites from Built Environment to Plant Design is now on special at a 20% discount!  The access to storage space on the Web is part of the offering and means that your drawings can be altered in real time by inviting your clients to participate in this space.  No long frustrating travel to site and back.  Real cost savings and high data security can be just two of the outcomes you enjoy.  We will ac cept orders until 12:00pm on the 13th July and payment must reach us by 23rd July close of business.

Please contact Judith or 011 802 2685 for more details or to set up an appointment to discuss your drawing office requirements.

Excel Tip #101 -  Excel 2010 Compared to Excel 2007, Continued

We look at several more new features in Excel 2010:

Customisable Ribbon: In Excel 2007 the ribbon was fixed; In 2010, you can create custom tabs and groups and rename or change the order of the built-in tabs and groups.

In Excel 2007 the ribbon was fixed; In 2010, however, you can create custom tabs and groups and rename or change the order of the built-in tabs and groups.

In Excel 2010, new features such as sparklines and slicers, and improvements to PivotTables and other existing features, can help you to discover patterns or trends in your data.  Sparklines are tiny charts that fit in a cell. Slicers are visual controls that let you quickly filter data in a PivotTable in an interactive way.. PivotTables are now said to be easier to use and more responsive

Conditional formatting makes it easy to highlight interesting cells or ranges of cells, emphasize unusual values, and visualize data by using data bars, color scales, and icon sets. Excel 2010 includes greater formatting flexibility: New icon sets and More options for data bars.

PowerPivot for Excel add-in: If you need to analyze large quantities of data, you can download the Microsoft SQL Server PowerPivot for Excel add-in, which adds a PowerPivot tab to the Excel ribbon.

Excel 2010 includes a new version of the Solver add-in, which you can use to find optimal solutions in what-if analysis. Solver has an improved user interface, a new Evolutionary Solver, based on genetic algorithms, that handles models with any Excel functions, new global optimization options, better linear programming and nonlinear optimization methods, and new Linearity and Feasibility reports. In addition, the Solver add-in is now available in a 64-bit version.

Some statistical functions have been renamed.

There are several more new features In Excel 2010, so we will look at them next month, before resuming with the Ribbon.

QuickBooks Update

Big learning on importing lists from Excel - all the rows must have content or the import goes pear-shaped!  Additionally, company and VAT registration numbers do not capture correctly in setting up a new company.  They are best left until you have set the company up and then put in under Company/Company information

For more information, phone the team on 011 802-2685 / 6440.

Computius's Corollary to Parkinson's Law :

Work is accomplished by those employees who are still striving to reach their level of incompetence.

Remember:  We can make your business run better by:

All the Best from the team!
Judith and Rick

Members, Communication in Action cc trading as Software Africa
"Empowering African Business with custom PC programs, databases, and templates using Microsoft technologies"
Reg. 2009/007863/23 ~ VAT No 4500104387 ~ 126 Kelvin Drive, Morningside Manor, Sandton, 2191 South Africa.
Tel: 011 802-2685 / 011 802-6440/1 ~ Fax: 011 802-4576 and 086-635-7902/3 ~ Cell: 082 389-3481/2 ~ e-mail:

This entire newsletter is Copyright © 2012 Communication in Action cc t/a Software Africa. All rights reserved. Information may be reproduced in full context as long as credit is given.
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